Broadcasting programs in Arabic on Web-TV

• Evangelism in Arabic ( chat-room on the Internet )
• Producing and broadcasting Arabic TV-programs on several satellites covering North-Africa, the Middle-East, Europe, Scandinavia and North- and Latin-America.
• New Testament and Biblestudies available in Arabic for downloading from The Internet.
• Receiving and sending correspondence by e-mail all over the world.

Mission statement

§ 1 Purpose/ Aim

CMAA has the purpose to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Arabs, primarily Muslims. This we do in cooperation with individuals, churches and organisations that share the same vision.

CMAA is an independent missions organisation and is a nonprofit organization.

§ 2 The Work

CMAA will mainly be involved in Evangelism in different ways, such as personal contact, meetings, seminars, literature, media, and also follow-up work among converts.

CMAA will emphasize the support and the taking care of converted and former Muslims so that they can be founded in the Christian Belief and Biblical Doctrines. We also want to help them in their new identity in Christ and make them feel at home in a Christian Church.

The goal is that converts will become Disciples of Jesus and be able to bring the Gospel of Christ to Muslims and non believers.

CMAA will seek to connect with volunteers and churches, as well as different information channels abroad and develop contacts through an international network.

CMAA will concentrate the work in the Middle East, North Africa, North America, and Europe.

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