To support Christian Ministry Among Arabs
Christian Ministry Among Arabs is a 501(c)(3) corporation.
Your gifts are tax deductible. All donations are tax deductible in the United States as allowed by law.
Christian Ministry Among Arabs was on September 25th approved as an organization that can receive tax-deductible donations.
January 11th 2008 was the date for CMAA´s approval as an American non-profit organization, and from September 25th donations will give tax-deduction for the donor. This applies to donors in the entire USA. For Canada, check with your tax adviser.
The application for this approval has been prepared since January this year.
From USA
Christian Ministry Among Arabs (C.M.A.A )
2034 E. Lincoln Ave. #266
Anaheim, CA 92806-4101
Tel.: 714.507.7023
Contact us.
From Norway
P.B 169
Swift code: DNBANOKK
account num: 70560546058
IBAN num: NO4670560546058
Bank Info.
Kirkev. 1
N-1400 SKI, Norway